Embark on a thrilling adventure with Captain America, a legendary Marvel superhero who fights for justice and freedom. Our commitment to offering a diverse selection of blockbuster equipment rentals enabled Marvel Studios to create the action-packed world of Steve Rogers and his heroic battles. By providing high-quality customer service and rental options, we helped bring the exhilarating journey of Captain America right to your screen, allowing you to enjoy every moment of this iconic hero’s story.
The opportunity to work on a Marvel project was one of our greatest moments as a company. Our Hollywood grade makeup mirrors were there to save the day. Each station included a director’s chair, power strip & extension cord all set up under 10×10 pop-up tents fully sided for ultimate privacy. We know the madness of DC traffic well, so delivering on time to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel was a piece of cake!
FUN FACT: Big productions always operate under a codename. The project codename for Captain America: Winter Soldier was FREEZERBURN.